

International competition for an illustrated children's book project. Fourth edition.

1. CLAIRVOYANTS shall refer to a cyclical, biennial, international competition for an illustrated children's book project in Polish or in English language.
2. The competition is organized by:
Wydawnictwo Dwie Siostry Sp. z o.o.
al. 3 Maja 2 m. 183
00-391 Warszawa
NIP 525-233-46-25 ; KRS 0000236292
3. The Competition Regulations are available at the website of the competition.
4. The aim of the Competition shall be to launch the process of creating beautiful and valuable books for children and to discover talented artists and give them chance to become known on the Polish and international book market.
5. The Competition shall target mainly book designers, graphic artists, illustrators, visual artists and students of art academies, as well as scriptwriters an authors.
6. The competition shall be open to both newcomers and experienced artists from Poland and abroad participating individually or in a team. Participants need to be natural persons over 18 years old with unlimited capacity to act in law, except individuals referred to in point 8 herein.
7. Works sent for the Competition shall be unpublished yet.
By sending their work for the Competition, the author(s) acknowledge(s) that they are the only and unlimited holders of moral rights and copyrights to the text and illustrations and that the competing work is fully authentic, does not include any unauthorized borrowings from other works and does not violate any rights of third parties.
8. The competition shall not be open to the staff of the Organizer and prize sponsors or to any individuals who cooperate in the organization and running of the Competition, or to the family members of individuals defined above.

9. One author (or an artistic team) can submit no more than two projects, and each project must be submitted separately in the system. If an individual is a member of more than one artistic team, they can submit up to two projects with each team. 
10. The purpose of the competition is to prepare a project (draft) of an illustrated children's book in Polish or in English language. Submitted works shall include the following items:

a)  a storyboard of a whole book in a preview PDF file OR a script of the integral book in a text file. The length of the script should not exceed 5400 characters, including spaces.

b)  a summary in English in a text file (for texts in Polish a summary in Polish is also required). Character limit: 1800 characters including spaces (for each summary).

c)  3 examples of double spreads that contain illustrations or other important graphic elements. The double spreads should be in two formats:

- in a medium resolution PDF preview file (96–144 dpi);

- in a high resolution image file format (TIFF or PSD; 300 dpi, CMYK)

11. The Organiser accepts all kinds of illustrated children’s books and picture books projects, regardless of format, technique, size and number of pages. The only limitation is the length of the text of the entire book: 40,000 characters including spaces.
12. Works should be submitted until 15th of October 2024 in digital form only. To enter the competition one should:
a) fill-in the online application form available on the website
b) upload the digital files containing the competition project to the online application form or paste a download link in the gap provided.
The Organizer will not accept applications sent by traditional mail or works submitted after the deadline.
13. By submitting their work for the Competition, the Participant(s) consents that the Organizer may process their personal data (name, surname, address, telephone number and e-mail address), as set forth in the Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data, and repealing Directive 95/46/EC (General Data Protection Regulation).
a)    The Organizer of the Competition (Wydawnictwo Dwie Siostry sp. z o. o., al. 3 Maja 2 m. 183, 00-391 Warszawa; VAT No 525-233-46-25, KRS 0000236292, REGON 140170423, ph. 0048 22 618 25 30) is the Administrator of the personal data of the participants.
b)    Providing the data is voluntary, but mandatory for participating in the Competition.
c)    The Organizer declares that such personal data will be processed solely for the purpose of the organization of the Competition, its promotion and communication with the participants in regards to the Competition as well as for the organization and promotion of the post-competition exhibition.
d)    The personal data will be stored for 10 years, counting from the beginning of the year following the year in which the Competition took place.
e)    Participants of the Competition have the right to access their data and to demand their rectification, modification, deletion or limitation of processing, expressing objections to the processing, as well as the right to transfer data.
f)     The Participants have the right to lodge a complaint to the supervisory body if, in his opinion, the processing of personal data by the Administrator violates the
regulations on the protection of personal data.
14. By submitting their work for the Competition, the Participant(s) consents for their works to be disseminated on the Organizer’s websites free of charge for the purposes of publication of the Competition results, its advertisement and the presentation in the post-competition exhibition and in the catalogue.
15. The Competition shall be held in one run. The submitted entries will be assessed in remote mode (online) by two independent juries, appointed by the Organizer:
a)    The international jury;
b)    The Dwie Siostry Publishing House jury.
The international jury shall be composed of 3-5 members.
The jury of Dwie Siostry Publishing House shall be composed of 3-5 members.
16. Submitted projects shall be assessed according to the following criteria: artistic quality, originality, the form which inspires child’s imagination and content which takes into account child’s sensitivity.
17. Competition results shall be published on 6th of December 2024 on the website.
18. Competitors may be awarded with 3 categories of prizes:
a)    The main prize of EUR 2,500 and two honourable mentions – by the international jury;
b)    Book publication – by the Dwie Siostry Publishing House jury;
c)    Admission in the post-competition exhibition.
19. The financial prize of EUR 2,500 awarded by the international jury shall be transferred on the winner/winners’ account within 30 days since the publication of the Competition results. Financial awards shall be subject to taxation pursuant to applicable legislation.
20. The Organizer reserves the right to the first edition of the projects submitted for the Competition, and declares that such publishing decision will be taken within 90 days since the publication of competition results. After that date, the right to the first edition shall expire. Participants whose projects will be qualified for publishing undertake to cooperate with the Organizer in this respect.
21. Projects qualified for publishing shall be published in Polish language.
22. The winner of the prize awarded by Dwie Siostry Publishing House jury, as well as competing participants whose projects are qualified for publishing shall conclude with the Organizer a relevant publishing agreement pursuant to which they shall prepare the book for publishing, transfer their copyrights to the Organizer and receive a one-time compensation.
23. Should none of competing works meet all the criteria defined in the Regulations, namely defined assessment criteria, the international jury may decide not to award the main prize. Should the winning work awarded with the main prize have several authors, such prize shall not be multiplied but shall be divided accordingly, by the number of authors.
24. By submitting their work for the Competition, participants accept the provisions of these Regulations.

Competition Regulations to be downloaded in the .pdf file.


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* pola obowiązkowe
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